In January 2024, QTF announced it would be undertaking an independent review of Talent Pathways in Queensland. McLaughlin Sports Consultancy (MSC) have been appointed to undertake the independent Review with input from stakeholders across Queensland via Forums, Surveys and Interviews.
The primary objectives of the Review are to:
- Assess transparency and fairness of criteria for player, coach, and referee progression.
- Identify barriers faced in the pathway, including access to quality competitions and events.
- Review support mechanisms within daily performance environments, and
- Provide recommendations for improving talent recruitment, development and organisational effectiveness.
The Review is well underway, and a huge thanks to the many stakeholders that have provided input into the review process so far. Below provides an update on the Qld Talent Pathway Review, including what’s completed and what’s in store over the coming months!
What’s been completed:
- Facilitated Forum: 2 hour session with targeted Players, Coaches, Referees & Administrators.
- Stakeholder Surveys: Over 640 responses from Players, Parents, Coaches, Referees and Administrators; with representatives across all Queensland regions.

Table 1. Stakeholder Survey Responses (Respondent by Region)

Table 2. Stakeholder Survey Responses (Respondent by Role)
- Preliminary Findings and Opportunities Paper: MSC has presented, reviewed and discussed Preliminary Findings and Opportunities with Project Reference Group. This internal paper presents the findings and opportunities from Document Review, Facilitated Forum, and Stakeholder Surveys stages of the Review.
What’s still to come:
- One on One Interviews: To commence in early April and include interviews with 20 highly engaged stakeholders for a more thorough discussion on Talent Pathways.
- Final Recommendations Report: Final Report submitted by MSC, including recommendations endorsed by the Project Reference Group will be tabled in late April 2024.
- QTF Board Endorsement: This is expected by June 2024, with roll out of Review recommendations to commence from July 2024, in the next QTF Budget cycle.
We excitedly await the findings of the Qld Talent Pathways Review, and are looking forward to implementing the endorsed recommendations over the coming years!
For further information on the Qld Talent Pathways Review, please visit here.