Queensland Touch Football (QTF) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the 2023/24 reporting period on Saturday 14th December 2024.

QTF Chairman, Matthew Gilbertson acknowledged the ongoing commitment and support of our touch Associations, Regions and QTF staff across Queensland. 2023/24 was a pivotal year for QTF, one marked by both progress and transformation, which included the success of the relocation of our Junior State Cup and the celebration of QTF 45th Anniversary. 

Growth remained a key driver and metric, and it is also worth celebrating the continued growth in participation across the state. Participation saw significant increases in junior and adult categories, supported by initiatives that focus on inclusivity and community engagement.  Junior participation increased over 10% for the third consecutive year. Pleasingly, junior growth was across all six of our regions.

Participation highlights included:
–               Total participation increased by 3% across all Participation Categories.
–               Junior participation increased by 13% and Adult participation increased by 6%.
–               Event participation increased by 3.5% with affiliate, region, school events at all-time highs.

“The Board and Staff continue to look forward to greater collaboration across the sport, and we remain incredibly excited about the opportunities that lie ahead” Gilbertson said. “Together, we will continue to build on our collective successes, supporting our players, volunteers, and affiliates. Our shared goal remains clear to Unite, Inspire, and Grow Touch Football throughout Queensland”.

The AGM also saw the re-election of Terani Inoke and Dave Zanette for a 2nd term, who join current Directors, Matthew Gilbertson, Mark Cecil, Adam Page and Lily Singh.  

QTF CEO, Greg Denny acknowledged all Directors for their ongoing contribution and service to the sport. “The collective vision, purpose, aligned values and support continue to drive the organisation today.  The continuity of service of Board Directors, current and past, provides the ongoing stability and surety to future of touch football.

Finance Director, Dennis DiBartolo announced “QTF had another outstanding year on and off the field. The Board have the utmost confidence in our team’s ability to make sound financial decisions, and our financial position has never been stronger”

QTF reported an operating surplus of $24,231 representing a smaller profit but a year of investment in the sport whilst still dealing with internal and external cost pressures. 

In closing Gilbertson thanked the boards, staff, regions, affiliates and all stakeholders for their efforts throughout the year who support and enjoy the game of touch football each and every day.

A copy of 2024 QTF Annual Report is available at https://qldtouch.com.au/annual-report.

Unite. Inspire. Grow.

Forward Thinking | Stronger Together | Leading with Humility | Passionately Proud | Fostering Fun


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