About School Sport Programs

In 2022, the Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport granted Queensland Touch Football (QTF) a total of $175,000 to enhance the quality and quantity of school sport performance pathways and create positive participation experiences for all participants.

The School Sport Program is part of the Queensland Government’s ongoing commitment to Activate! Queensland strategy. The grant will enable QTF to enhance and expand our support of schools, provide development opportunities and create positive participation experiences for students, coaches and officials across Queensland.

The Queensland Touch Football – School Sport Program will support a number of touch football programs and initiatives across the state that will enhance representative School Sport pathways, expand School Sport engagement and support participation in School Sport.

The QTF School Sport Program will focus on three key initiatives outlined in the grant.

Representative School Sport Pathways

  • Formalise MOU with Queensland School Sport Touch to School Pathways
  • Provide coach mentoring and player education for School State Representative Teams
  • Provide coach and referee support of Queensland School Sport District Trials

School Sport Engagement

  • Assist with operations and marketing support for regional Primary and Secondary All Schools Touch Football events.
  • Partner with Lifestream to include All Abilities Touch Football within the school sport pathway
  • Expand the number of Touch Football Australia endorsed schools

Sport Participation in Schools

  • Support the delivery of Schools District Cup providing quality competitions, coaching and referee development
  • Engage School Liaison Officers within local associations to encourage the growth of new junior competitions
  • Teacher Professional Development sport specific training to upskill teachers and school support staff

Find out more information on our programs here. 

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