

Queensland Touch Football’s Strategic Plan identified ‘Performance Pathways’ as a key pillar of the ‘Unite, Inspire, Grow’ Strategy and undertook a independent review of its Talent Pathway and all associated structures and activities.

The primary objective of the review is to establish a sustainable framework that enhances and promotes opportunities for all within the performance and talent pathways (Read the full Media Release here.)

McLaughlin Sports Consultancy was engaged to undertake the independent review of the QTF Talent Pathway, and was supported by a skilled Review Reference Group, with input from stakeholders across Queensland via Forums, Surveys and Interviews.

The primary objectives of the review included:

  • Assess transparency and fairness of criteria for player, coach, and referee progression
  • Identify barriers faced in the pathway, including access to quality competitions and events
  • Review support mechanisms within daily performance environments
  • Provide recommendations for improving talent recruitment, development and organisational effectiveness


Who participated in the review?

Communication and engagement with the touch community is crucial for a comprehensive review. QTF offered opportunities for community involvement through e-surveys, interviews and focus groups, which all commenced between February to April, 2024

McLaughlin Sports Consultancy has now provided QTF the below findings to support the QTF Talent Pathway Review, which will be made available to stakeholders, in due course, including:

  • Preliminary Findings & Opportunities Paper
  • Stakeholder Interviews – Findings Summary
  • QTF Talent Pathway Review – Recommendations

The QTF Talent Pathway Review recommendations were endorsed “in-principle” by the Project Reference Group and submitted to the QTF Board for endorsement. The QTF Board passed a resolution to accept the QTF Talent Pathway Review recommendations and endorsed their implementation in alignment with next QTF Strategy Planning cycle between 2025 -2027.

The first stage of implementing review recommendations include the employment of a QTF Pathways and Performance Manager and establishment of QTF Pathways and Performance Taskforce.

QTF has advertised for a full-time QTF Pathways and Performance Manager who will play a pivotal role in shaping and managing the talent and performance pathways in Queensland, focusing on strategic leadership and operational excellence.

More detailed information on the position and how to apply is available here. This has also been advertised on Sportspeople. Applications close on Friday 18th October 2024.


Unite. Inspire. Grow.



Unite. Inspire. Grow.

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